Are you looking for 'One of a Kind' pieces that literally no one else will have? Well you've come to the right place! I hand make unique, upcycled pieces for everyone! All reworked pieces are made from second hand items and scrap fabric! Please make sure to check and verify measurements before purchasing!

Behind the Art

Hey y’all my name is Rica! I’m 25 years old! I’m a wifey and a mother of 2 beautiful little boys! I decided to put one of my dream careers as a cosmetologist on hold because I wanted to be able to be home with my babies. My family is and will always be my top priority!

Had you known me from a young age, you would have discovered my passion for fashion, making clothes, or just creating some type of art in general! I stopped sewing and making clothes for a long time because I felt that it was an unrealistic dream but now look at me, I started this business December 2022 and it’s grown so much since then. I can’t thank everyone enough for supporting one of my dream businesses! If only I were able to tell my little 9 year old self where I am today.

(Customs Currently Closed)

Are you local to Leflore County, Oklahoma?

Hard to catch or find things in your size? No worries! Customs are available too! Email me what you might have in mind and we can work on a 'One of a Kind' item made just for you! (Adult clothing only)